
http://www.wuliannanjing.com 2015年09月26日        

  根据市场研究公司Parks Associates的2004年建筑商调查。在2004年,通过建筑商销售出去的科技产品就高达110亿美圆,展望2005年会上升10-20%。

  德州达拉斯2005年8月30日-根据市场研究公司Parks Associates的2004年建筑商有关调查。在2004年,通过建筑商销售出去的科技产品高达110亿美圆,展望2005年会上升10-20%。这些发现显示建筑商正在成长成为一个强大的先进产品(例如:家庭网络和多媒体音频系统)分销渠道, 现有62%的美国建筑商在寻找新的产品和性能以便在市场上区分他们。

  “建筑商现在很适当地进入了一个新的家庭建筑时期,包含的更多的不仅是木材、砖和花岗岩工作台面,超过1/4的建筑商拥有专门积极评估新科技潜力和推进销售和服务雇员。” Parks Associates公司渠道调查主管Bill Ablondi表示。同时为制造商在数字家庭方面(例如:家庭网络和音频分配系统的解决方案)提供了很好的合作机会和很有利的地位。

  要取得这个成长中市场的更深入了解,Parks Associates 公司和 Hanley Wood, LLC 合作首次的企业与企业的对北美商住结构行业的多媒体网络服务,发布了2006 建筑商分析。(是一个多级测量建筑商的科技产品销售和服务计划 )

  2006 建筑商分析 是专门为生产商和服务提供商了解关于给他们提供新添科技产品方面、选择产品和卖主的标准的帮助。这个研究包括一个广泛的调查(最少250个本地、地方和国内住宅建筑商)和他们选出的对他们有利可图的科技销售策略研究。


   2006 建筑商分析也将提供建筑商对家庭影院、多室音频、结构化布线、中央控制和安全系统的销售预测。


Home Builders Grow in Importance as a Channel for Technology Products

  Homebuilders sold $11 billion worth of technology products in 2004 and expect sales to increase 10-12% in 2005, according to Parks Associates’ 2004 Builder Survey.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Jenny Barrett
Parks Associates 
Email: jenny@parksassociates.com

  Dallas, Texas August 30, 2005 – Homebuilders sold $11 billion worth of technology products in 2004 and expect sales to increase 10-12% in 2005, according to Parks Associates’ 2004 Builder Survey. These findings show builders growing into a formidable channel for the distribution of advanced products such as home networking and multiroom audio systems, with 62% of all U.S. builders on the lookout for new products and capabilities that could differentiate them in the market.

  “Builders are well into a new era in home building that encompasses much more than lumber, bricks, and granite countertops,” said Bill Ablondi, director of channel research for Parks Associates. “Over one-fourth of builders have employees actively evaluating new technologies for their potential both to boost sales and serve as differentiators. Solutions such as home networking and audio distribution systems offer great opportunities for manufacturers to get in on the ground floor of the digital-home trend.”

  To gain greater insight into this growing market, Parks Associates, in partnership with Hanley Wood, LLC, the premier business-to-business media network serving North America’s residential and commercial construction industries, has launched 2006 Builder Insights, which is a multilevel project surveying builders’ sales of technology products and services.

  2006 Builder Insights is designed for manufacturers and service providers to learn about the builders who are adding technology products to their offerings, the selection criteria they use to choose products and vendors, and what they need to help merchandise these amenities. The research will comprise both a broad-based survey of at least 250 local, regional, and national home builders and case studies of selected builders chosen based on their profitable technology sales strategies.

  “Key product categories we plan to cover include home theater and multiroom audio systems, structured wiring, central control and security systems, and others such as central vacuum systems,” Ablondi said. “We also plan to analyze current partnerships and future opportunities between builders and service providers, such as, telcos, and cable MSOs, to offer communication, broadband Internet access, security monitoring, and premium content services.”

  2006 Builder Insights will also provide forecasts for builder sales of home theater, multiroom audio, structured wiring, central controls, and security systems. For more information about 2006 Builder Insights, please contact Parks Associates at 972-490-1113 or sales@parksassociates.com or visit http://www.parksassociates.com.



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