
http://www.wuliannanjing.com 2015年09月26日        


  达拉斯,德州 2005年9月28日-据Parks Associates对13个国家对数字生活科技的采用研究Global Digital Living™所提供的数据来看:就看电影来说,北美上网家庭比较喜欢留在家里看,而欧洲的却更喜欢去电影院。


  “北美的家居工作或建立自己想要的私人生活空间习惯比欧洲要更强烈”Parks Associates研究主管John Barrett表示,“北美方面更愿意使用点播方式或订阅电视服务,人们看电影的习惯差异也朝这个方向扩大。”另外,Global Digital Living™发现亚洲方面总的来说与北美一样,更喜欢租片子看。但南韩就比较例外,43%的上网一族喜欢到电影院而只有35%的人留在家里看电影。

  Barrett表示“韩国的此项发现表明这个趋势的部分原因是由于人们日益增长的使用网络观看电影的影响”“每月48%韩国上网一族下载或使用流煤体格式观看,这个数据是超越了租电影和外出看电影的两者一起的比率。韩国拥有一个虚弱的电影出租市场正好促进了网上销售的需求。Global Digital Living™计划是一个全球消费科技趋势研究。该研究被调查的13个国家有: 法国、意大利、西班牙、德国、加拿大、台湾、日本、印度、中国、南韩、澳大利亚、英国和美国。



  European Households prefer the cinema while Americans like to rent Dallas, Texas September 28, 2005 – When it comes to watching movies, Internet households in North America prefer to stay at home while similar European households prefer the cinema, according to Global Digital Living™, a multinational consumer study by Parks Associates that provides comparative data from 13 nations, identifying the relative rates of adoption of digital living technologies.

  For North America, the gap between renting versus going out is particularly pronounced in Canada, where 54% of all Internet households rent movies each month but just 29% go out to the movies at the same rate. Conversely, European Internet households prefer the cinema over renting movies. In France, for example, 36% of all Internet households go to the cinema every month while just 21% rent movies.

  “The practice of ‘cocooning’ or surrounding your personal living space with everything you want appears to be stronger in North America than in Europe,” said John Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates. “North American households are much more likely to use pay-per-view or have a subscription TV service, and the difference in film viewing habits is an extension of this trend.”

  In addition, Global Digital Living™ found that Asian Internet households generally follow their North American peers and rent movies more often than go to the cinema. South Korea was a notable exception, however, with 43% going to the movies monthly and 35% renting movies monthly.

  “This finding in Korea is partially due to the increasing use of the Internet to watch movies,” Barrett said. “Forty-eight percent of Korean Internet households download or stream video every month, a number that surpasses both their rental and movie-going rates. Korea has always had a weak movie rental market, which ironically has helped boost the demand for online distribution.”

  The Global Digital Living™ project is a study of worldwide consumer technology trends. It surveyed Internet households in thirteen nations: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, India, China, South Korea, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


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