Modbus技术应用2005中国城市巡回研讨会 2015年09月26日        



  一年前,机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所(ITEI)的标准化部门主管Jinsong Ouyang先生和全国工业过程测量和控制标准化技术委员会秘书处宣布,国家标准化管理委员会已经正式发行了3个工业自动化的标准:

 Modbus工业自动化网络规范第一部- Modbus应用协议

 Modbus工业自动化网络规范第二部- Modbus执行协议

 Modbus工业自动化网络规范第三部- Modbus协议在TCP/IP上的实现指南

  今天,有11家公司分别向北京、重庆、广州和上海的观众介绍了他们的Modbus产品。从10月21日到28日,Modbus-IDA的成员们接见了包括厂商、学者、以及特别关注Modbus的政府官员等不同的与会者。 在每一个城市,Modbus-IDA的成员们都在桌面上向观众们展示他们的Modbus设备和一些特殊的介绍。作为成员之一的ProSoft Technologies公司对“扩展你的Modbus通讯连通性”作出演讲;Hirschmann公司就谈论了“以太网技术的未来”;而HMS Industrial Networks公司就提供了一套连接Modbus和其它工业网络的程序。

  机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所(ITEI)在今年夏天才加入Modbus-IDA组织,大大促进了其有关Modbus的各种活动,其中协办Modbus技术应用2005中国城市巡回研讨会标志了其Modbus活动的正式展开。每个城市的观众包括了从当地学院、生产商到工业版块的政府官员等各种各样的人群。Modbus-IDA将由ITEI的总裁和Modbus-IDA的常务理事Feng Xiaosheng先生向大家介绍,其它介绍包括有测试工程师Mei Ke先生主持的ITEI Modbus的验收实验室的介绍和由北方交通大学的Sun Xin博士主持的基本Modbus技术介绍。在Modbus技术应用2005中国城市巡回研讨会的首站北京将会安排一个新闻发布会。

Modbus in China

07-11-2005 - Modbus-IDA and ITEI Organize Four-City Tour

Modbus-IDA and ITEI Organize Four-City Tour

  One year ago, Mr. Jinsong Ouyang, Director of Standardization, Department of Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute (ITEI) , People’s Republic of China, and General Secretary of the National Standardization Technical Committee on Industrial Process Measurement and Control announced that the Standardization Administration of China had formally launched three standards for industrial automation in the People’s Republic of China:• Modbus Industrial Automation Network Specification Part 1 – Modbus Application Protocol,• Modbus Industrial Automation Network Specification Part 2 – Modbus Protocol Implementation Guide over Serial Link, and • Modbus Industrial Automation Network Specification Part 3 – Modbus Protocol Implementation Guide over TCP/IP.

  Today, 11 companies are formally introducing their Modbus products to audiences in Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai. From October 21 through October 28, Modbus-IDA members are meeting manufacturers, academics, and government officials at events focused exclusively on Modbus. In each city, Modbus-IDA members are showcasing their Modbus devices at a table-top exhibition and providing special presentations. Member company ProSoft Technologies is giving a talk titled, Extend Your Modbus Communication Connectivity; Hirschmann is speaking on The Future Ethernet Technology, and HMS Industrial Networks is providing a program on Connecting Modbus to Other Industrial Networks.

  ITEI joined Modbus-IDA over the summer and has stepped up its Modbus-related activities, starting with the four-city tour. Audiences in each city include participants from local universities, manufacturers, and government officials from the industrial sector. Modbus-IDA will be introduced by Mr. Feng Xiaosheng, head of ITEI and Modbus-IDA Board Director. Other presentations include an introduction to the ITEI Modbus Conformance Test Laboratory by Test engineer, Mr. Mei Ke, and an introduction to basic Modbus technology by Dr. Sun Xin of Northern Jiaotong University. A press conference is also planned on the tour’s opening day in Beijing.


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